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Dr. Nicholas Perricone

Entrepreneur, Chairman of Perricone Family Office

Dr. Nicholas Perricone is a physician, author, scientist, educator, and an award winning inventor.  He has sold multiple companies and has numerous investments under his family office.  He has been issued 188 patents worldwide and has dozens of pending applications in the diverse areas of medicine, pharmacology and aerospace, and is the recipient of the Eli Whitney Intellectual Properly Award.  He is creator and host of a series of Public Television Specials and the author of several New York Times Best Sellers including The Wrinkle Cure, The Perricone Prescription, The Perricone Promise and Forever Young.  He is certified by the American Board of Dermatology, is a Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition.  He is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology.  Dr. Perricone is adjunct professor of medicine at the Michigan State University College of Medicine and has served as Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Yale School of Medicine.  As would be expected from the Father of the Inflammation Aging Connection, Dr. Perricone is now embracing the holistic work of the last two decades, expanding his reach with the formation of the Perricone Hydrogen Water Company.